Here you can choose to participate in growth Workshops, events, and training programs. These services will be posted and updated regularly. You can be invited to private workshops or retreats designed with you in mind. Or have a workshop or Training program tailored to your needs. Check out our current and upcoming events and workshops
You'll find just what you need here or @ from leadership development training, self-defense, certification programs, how to read the Bible, or other impactful and relevant workshops.
Talk Therapy A cost effective way to take care of what is important... YOU! Need to just come out of the weeds that are seemingly choking you? Need to unravel your thoughts and see your needs clearly? Do you need to identify your WHY or WHAT in a confidential, personal, caring environment? Need a no judgement zone? $65.00 per hour or use your code for specials.
Talk Therapy can help. Make an appointment and see for yourself how well you can help yourself, when allowed to be heard, seen, and listened to toward understanding. Sometimes you don't need counseling just a time to yourself and a guide through your own knowledge of yourself. Get someone to talk to: Call or email and make your appointment now. If code given .... it's your time to use it!
Do you need a dynamic speaker for your organization, event, retreat, church group, or congregation? Give us a call. Always relevant, insightful, engaging, and intentional.
· Can You Believe It?
· Edit the Movie in Your Mind
· "You Can't Eat Religion and Grits Won't Get You to Heaven"
· Martha, Martha
· But what about religion?
· Don't Settle for a leafy life
Contact Denise @ office: (708) 248-6570 or email @ and let’s talk about possibilities. Several speakers are available to work with you and deliver for your moment(s). More speaking topics and opportunities can be found here:
Heavenly Grits launched the Salt and Light (S & L) Project May 6, 2018. Walking out our faith on purpose and sharing with the community. Call and join the team
Here you can join some of the live open table talks, tackling some of the concerns of the day and relevant issues. Provide Random Acts of Kindness, prayer and/or assistance. Your voice is important.
We believer in building community, connection, & relationships. We partner with Churchome and others and start with the recognition that you belong. Start there. Believing and becoming is the journey beyond. We "love God and love people.
Our interactive Bible Study is open to whosoever, every other Monday, March 2023 - May 2023 and back September - November 2023.
Here you will find a non-judgement zone, opening the Bible and dialogue to lift, encourage, engage, and have fun with an eclectic audience. You are part of the conversation and no question(s) are off limits. We journey together and let God be God!!
"Most people do not listen with the intent to understand. Most people listen with the intent to reply" - Stephen R. Covey I know that Listening is a skill that can be learned, pra and lean into. Shift perspective - come out of your comfort zone. REMEMBER:
"You can't eat religion and grits won't get you to Heaven."
Opportunities will always be listed to discuss
...and more!
Always Faith-Based and Truth Inspired.
FUN, Impactful, helpful, relevant, respectful, and intentional